Mar 13, 2008

Sports Day At Portobello School

On Tuesday the 11th of March Portobello, Broad Bay and Macandrew Bay Schools were involved in a sports day at Portobello Domain. There were heaps of fun activities including swiss ball soccer, tug of war, rippa rugby, relays and not forgetting the famous Murrays Madness.
After the first five activities we had morning tea and then went back for another five activities.
At lunch time we went up to Portobello School for a yummy sausage sizzle!
After lunch we went back to the domain but the on again, off again drizzle turned into heavier rain so it was called off.
We had an awesome sports day that was heaps of fun and we are grateful to the teachers who helped organise it and made it a success.
By Ruby and Ali

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Future Kiwi Olympians unite! As soon as tug-of-war makes the games list, you'll be shoo-ins for the national team.


Professor Robin Grieves
University of Otago
Finance and Quantitative Analysis

(aka Chapin's Grandpa)