Mar 6, 2008

Jennie Upton Talks to Us about the Endangered Hectors Dolphin

Click on the title for the link to Jennie's wikispace
Today a lady named Jennie Upton came to speak about Hectors Dolphins. We learned that the Hectors Dolphin, only found in New Zealand, are the smallest and rarest dolphin in the world- about 1.3 metres. Jennie told us that the way to tell a Hectors Dolphin from other dolphins is the rounded dorsal fin and nose. We have been endangering the dolphins, and other marine creatures by littering, using boats and jet skies near them, putting out gill nets for fishing and many other things. Mostly because of humans, there are now only 7,111 Hectors and Maui dolphins left. 7,000 Hectors Dolphins in the South Island of New Zealand and 111 Maui Dolphins in the North Island of New Zealand. We all sent a postcard to Helen Clarke, the Prime Minister, asking her to take care of the dolpins.