Our class was doing measurement for Maths.Mrs Hawker said that we could make rainbow jelly.Fergus bought ten packets of jelly,he bought five different colours and two of each.As a class we decided on what order the colours would go in.Mrs Hawker gave us all a sheet and we went back to our desks.On the sheet we had to decide how many millilitres we were each going to use for every colour.We were all allowed to us 200 millilitres.Then it was time to make the first layer of jelly.Mrs Hawker mixed the jelly up and we took turns to measure out our jelly and put it in a cup which we had put our name on. We left it to set.We did that over and over again untill we had put all of our colours in.Then one afternoon we got to eat our jelly.It was yum. By Jasmine
Hello room 1 we were learning about the layers of the earth in science and our science teacher bought lots of yummy food that represented the layers!! YUM! Looks like you had lots of fun eating the jelly you made! We were learning about fractions and decimals and our maths teacher ordered 7 pizzas and we had a lot of fun trying to cut them all into 27ths! Maybe you should persuade Mrs Hawker to do that! BYE
I bet you were all glad when it came to eating the jellies... they sounded delicious!
sounds like your having fun eating jelly and having daytime disco's. Kavanagh had a year 7 and 8 social we had to go as some thing begining with F. Ailish and I went as freaks and Reid went as a flake it was so much fun. I hope you get to do more exciting activities especially stuff that involves eating yummy food.
Bye for now.
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