Jules came from World Vision to talk to us about doing the 20 hour famine. So when she left we talked as a class and decided to have a rice day on Friday.For morning tea and lunch we ate rice. We also didn't use lights or our computers for the day. We raised $95 from it for World Vision.We hope what we raised was enough for a school's water tank.It tasted YUM :)Some people in the class also did their own 20 hour famine and got sponsers. Altogether our class raised about $829.Thanks to those who sponsored us. By Anna
WOW - great going those people who took part in the 20 hour famine. You looked like you had lots of fun:)
Hello room 1!!! I did the 20 hour famine and ate too many barley sugars and got really fat!!! But... I RAISED $100 THOUGH! GO ME!
Anyway it looks like you had lots of fun doing thhe famine with your class not many people from my class did it. (Probably because they were too lazy)
Hello room 1! That's a lot of money you raised! Well done!
Hey Room 1!
Our school just got out for the summer but I am still jelous because you get to still have a lot more fun than we do during the school year. For Pete's sake, you have Christmas over the summer!! Not fair!!
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