Oct 16, 2008

Making Cheese and Silverbeet Puffs

On the last day of term, Room 1 made cheese and silverbeet puffs, using silverbeet from our class garden. It was part of our topic, The Body, since silverbeet is healthy. We all helped to make them and they were very nice!. By Ruby.
Here is the recipe;

Cheese & Silverbeet Puffs
2 cups of plain flower
2 cups of grated cheese
2 eggs
4 tsp of baking powder
2/3 cup steamed, chopped silverbeet or spinach

Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl.
Add cheese, silverbeet, eggs and enough milk to mix a soft, dampish, sticky dough.
Spoon 12 puffs onto an oven tray.
Bake at 200c for 7~10 minutes till golden.

Smudge Comes to School

This is Izzy's lamb Smudge and he came to school. We watched him being feed by a bottle and he loved being chased around the feild. Smudge walks to school sometimes and he has a collar and lead just like a dog!

Sep 7, 2008

Room 1 Olympics

To celebrate the 2008 Beijing Olympics, our class had our own Olympics. The events were darts, dice stacking, cotton bud throw, box-ing, stalk standing, shooting and abs of steel.
Every body took part in and sometimes we even won a medal.
By Fergus

Dr Paul Talks To Us About the Body

Dr Paul ( also my father)talked about the muscles and bones of the body.It was very interesting when he told us about the reflex in our knee.He used Sophies knees to show us.Hopefully this information will help us with our inquiry work.We are very grateful for having him speak to us.
By Lili

Sep 1, 2008

40 Hour Famine

Room 1 got involved in the 20 hour famine. Lots of people did it on their own, but we did one as a class. A lady came from World Vision and in assembly she gave our school a gold award for raising so much money in the famine. We were really proud that we could raise so much money.
By Ruby

Otago Rugby Players Visit Macandrew Bay School

When some Otago players came to talk about how to keep a healthy body and to preform at your best, they told us to keep healthy you need good sleep, eat heathy food and to keep positve.
Then they explaned how to keep a positve mind when you lose a race or don't make a team.
We realy enjoyed them coming and hope they do next year.

by Noah

Jul 25, 2008

Life Education Bus Visits Our School

On the 23rd and the 24th of July Room 1 went to the Life Education bus to look at some of our body parts. We learnt that your body has 656 muscles and that the heart can beat over 100,000 times a day. By Dylan

Jul 6, 2008

New Invention From Old

For technology we had to design a new invention from an old one. We used the BAR Thinkers key and had to make it bigger, add some thing and remove some part of it. Ruby and Jasmine designed a new straw.They found out the first straws were used in the 1888. They invented a new straw that is nine straws long. The purpose for it is so that they don't have to walk to get a drink. It is bigger as in large, they added more straws and removed the bendy bits.Guess what it works!!

Click on the title to find out more about the invention of straws.

Jul 4, 2008

We Celebrated Our Learning With A Feast

On the last day of term we celebrated our learning with a feast. We dressed as people from Ancient times and ate bread, olives, grapes, figs, dried apricots, apples and dates. We had blackcurrant juice to drink but in ancient times they had wine.

Jul 3, 2008

Scott Macdonald Talks To Us About Engineering

Scott showed us some experiments. This one was putting mentos in a bottle of coke. He punctured a hole in the top of the cap and shook the bottle. It fizzed out like a fountain. He also gave Noah some coke and a mentos. We couldn't wait to see if he let off gases but no such luck.

He also showed us an egg experiment where we put a hard boiled on top of a glass flask and tried to put it in. It didn't fit but when Scott lit a match and put it in the flask the boiled egg was sucked in. This showed the force of air pressure because the warm air cooled down and the egg was sucked in.
In this photo he is showing us bio fuel from vegetable oil.
Scott told us that engineers are inventors. He is a mechanical engineer and makes valve and pipes work. He also works with sewage treatment.

He showed us funny video clips and engineering jobs gone wrong. Click on the title of this post and watch the you tube link of the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapsing!

Jun 8, 2008

Disco Term 2

Everyone had a super time at the Disco!!!People were dancing all night long.The DJ
played awesome songs and everybody had a fantastic night!Some people dressed up as clowns,super hero's and some people had beautiful dresses and skirt's on!The hall(where we had the Disco)was very pretty because parents put steamers up and silver tin foil hanging from the roof and on the wall's!Thank you to everyone who helped with the food and decorations!!!
by Sophie

Jun 5, 2008

Our Visit to the Da Vinci Exhibition

Owen is turning the wheel that Leonardo de Vinci made to prove that perpetual motion does not exist.

Isla is turning the cog at the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition at the Dunedin Museum.

Trying to build the collapsible bridge.

Flying our crash test dummies in the museum.

Michael is trying out a ratchet that wont go backwards.

Room 1 Celebrates World Environment Day

Thursday the 5th June was World Environment day. We all brought a vegetable to school. We washed and peeled them and put them through a blender. It took all morning to cook. We were proud of our soup. We used local vegetables that had no packaging or food miles. We put the peelings in our compost.
Click on the title page to find out more about World Environment Day.

Room 1 Celebrates World Environment Day

We ate our soup for lunch. Most thought it was really delicious, lots had seconds and some three plates of soup.

Archaeologist Professor Charles Higham Talks to Room1

Today Professor Charles Higham (Alis Grandad) who is an archaeologist came to talk to us about Ancient China. We learned about one subject in particular Lady Dai. She was a royal person in Ancient China.When she died people who respected her wanted her to go to heaven, not the land of the yellow springs. The land of the yellow springs is hell, and no royal person wanted to go there. Lady Dai (also known as Shin Chwa) was wrapped in 20 layers of silk, placed in 4 coffins and her last meal included melon. She loved to eat rich foods and she was very fat!Her tomb was covered in charcoal and clay to prevent air and water from destroying her worldly possessions. She was buried in 168 BC and her tomb was in perfect condition. Her blood was still red and it looked as though she had died an hour ago. Everyone enjoyed Professor Charles's talk and we all learned something new!! We hope you like the photo of her - some of us did not!
By Ali.

May 25, 2008

20 Hour Famine

Jules came from World Vision to talk to us about doing the 20 hour famine. So when she left we talked as a class and decided to have a rice day on Friday.For morning tea and lunch we ate rice. We also didn't use lights or our computers for the day. We raised $95 from it for World Vision.We hope what we raised was enough for a school's water tank.It tasted YUM :)Some people in the class also did their own 20 hour famine and got sponsers. Altogether our class raised about $829.Thanks to those who sponsored us. By Anna

Maths - Rainbow Jellies

Our class was doing measurement for Maths.Mrs Hawker said that we could make rainbow jelly.Fergus bought ten packets of jelly,he bought five different colours and two of each.As a class we decided on what order the colours would go in.Mrs Hawker gave us all a sheet and we went back to our desks.On the sheet we had to decide how many millilitres we were each going to use for every colour.We were all allowed to us 200 millilitres.Then it was time to make the first layer of jelly.Mrs Hawker mixed the jelly up and we took turns to measure out our jelly and put it in a cup which we had put our name on. We left it to set.We did that over and over again untill we had put all of our colours in.Then one afternoon we got to eat our jelly.It was yum. By Jasmine

Apr 18, 2008

Farewell to Chapin and Mackenzie

Today we said a sad goodbye to Chapin and Mackenzie. Chapin is going back home to Alabama and Mackenzie is going to live in Cromwell. We hope they both remember to keep reading (and commenting ) on our blog.Chapin and her Mum gave us some books about their home town. We ate special biscuits from Alabama and Ali's Mum made a chocolate cake!