Apr 18, 2008

Farewell to Chapin and Mackenzie

Today we said a sad goodbye to Chapin and Mackenzie. Chapin is going back home to Alabama and Mackenzie is going to live in Cromwell. We hope they both remember to keep reading (and commenting ) on our blog.Chapin and her Mum gave us some books about their home town. We ate special biscuits from Alabama and Ali's Mum made a chocolate cake!


Anonymous said...

Hey Room 1!!!!
I got home safely and I'm back at school. Every one has seen the pic. of you that you gave me. We've already had who-knows-how-many tests and quizzes. I have major geography tests tomorrow and Friday and a quiz on Thursday but thats only geography. I miss Macandrew Bay alot. Please don't forget to E mail me lots!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish you could come back with your Mama!!!(Chapin)

Anonymous said...

It must have been sad saying goodbye to Chapin and Mackenzie!!