Jun 8, 2008

Disco Term 2

Everyone had a super time at the Disco!!!People were dancing all night long.The DJ
played awesome songs and everybody had a fantastic night!Some people dressed up as clowns,super hero's and some people had beautiful dresses and skirt's on!The hall(where we had the Disco)was very pretty because parents put steamers up and silver tin foil hanging from the roof and on the wall's!Thank you to everyone who helped with the food and decorations!!!
by Sophie

Jun 5, 2008

Our Visit to the Da Vinci Exhibition

Owen is turning the wheel that Leonardo de Vinci made to prove that perpetual motion does not exist.

Isla is turning the cog at the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition at the Dunedin Museum.

Trying to build the collapsible bridge.

Flying our crash test dummies in the museum.

Michael is trying out a ratchet that wont go backwards.

Room 1 Celebrates World Environment Day

Thursday the 5th June was World Environment day. We all brought a vegetable to school. We washed and peeled them and put them through a blender. It took all morning to cook. We were proud of our soup. We used local vegetables that had no packaging or food miles. We put the peelings in our compost.
Click on the title page to find out more about World Environment Day.

Room 1 Celebrates World Environment Day

We ate our soup for lunch. Most thought it was really delicious, lots had seconds and some three plates of soup.

Archaeologist Professor Charles Higham Talks to Room1

Today Professor Charles Higham (Alis Grandad) who is an archaeologist came to talk to us about Ancient China. We learned about one subject in particular Lady Dai. She was a royal person in Ancient China.When she died people who respected her wanted her to go to heaven, not the land of the yellow springs. The land of the yellow springs is hell, and no royal person wanted to go there. Lady Dai (also known as Shin Chwa) was wrapped in 20 layers of silk, placed in 4 coffins and her last meal included melon. She loved to eat rich foods and she was very fat!Her tomb was covered in charcoal and clay to prevent air and water from destroying her worldly possessions. She was buried in 168 BC and her tomb was in perfect condition. Her blood was still red and it looked as though she had died an hour ago. Everyone enjoyed Professor Charles's talk and we all learned something new!! We hope you like the photo of her - some of us did not!
By Ali.